December 27, 2018
As the warmer temperatures fade into cooler ones during the fall, many homeowners turn their heaters on to stay warm. One common occurrence many people notice when this time of year comes around is that a fine layer of black soot appears on appliances, wall hangings, furniture and everything else left exposed in the home. The soot comes from the air vents, and it is usually caused by one of two issues.
One common cause of soot is fires. People who burn candles daily or use a fireplace or wood-burning stove sometimes notice soot coming from their air ducts and dirtying the home. Another common cause of this residue is not actually from fires but from mold. If there are no fireplaces in the home, it will be necessary to call a mold removal specialist. If there is a fireplace or wood-burning stove in the home, the chimneys likely need a thorough cleaning.
One major problem remains whether the issue is mold residue or fireplace soot falling on carpets, upholstery and curtains. This is the issue of how to remove it without making the problem worse. Any kind of soot is difficult to remove, and home removal methods may only smear it or make the problem worse. It is best to call a professional cleaning and restoration service that has experience and specializes in soot removal. Only a professional company has access to the right substances and knows the correct methods for effectively cleaning soot from the home’s most important textiles and carpets. Do not let the soot sit and become more embedded in the furniture and carpet. Call a trustworthy restoration specialist for a free estimate.