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Window Washing: We’ll Tell You Why it Can’t Wait

December 27, 2018

We understand that no one enjoys washing windows. If people live in apartment or condo buildings, it can be downright dangerous to wash the outside windows. Thus, homeowners feel the dissatisfaction of looking at the world with a slightly blurry view. Those living in single family homes whose windows are easier to reach, albeit with a ladder, fare a little better in the window washing stakes. The trouble with windows is that cleaning them is not a smooth matter. It’s pretty bad when we can’t even bribe the kids to do it for us. Unfortunately, dirty windows mean some pretty shady things for the family’s health and even the welfare of the windows. Here are a few things for which to look out, pun intended.

Cloudy Emotions

Window Washing: We’ll Tell You Why it Can’t Wait

It’s no secret that dirty windows deny bright sunlight to enter homes. It’s also not rocket science to figure that dim, dark and dirty glass makes people feel depressed. On the flip side, everyone feels happy and more motivated when lots of bright natural light floods their home or workspace. Happy people produce more. Customers and visitors to homes are impressed with the brightness of the place. Workers and families are proud.

Grime and Punishment

Winter has been hard on Baltimore. Since spring is coming, many homeowners plan to open their windows, air out the house and do some spring cleaning. While it’s not a bad idea, opening the windows will cause health problems. If homeowners don’t have them cleaned by professionals, mold and mildew growing from the moisture on the windows will directly affect family members with asthma and other lung problems.

Frequently, indoor pollutants as well as pollens and other outdoor pollutants stick to windows. Dust mites are probably the most well-known indoor pollutant, while pollens are the most dastardly outdoor pollutants. These, too, cause breathing and allergy problems for families not engaged with a professional window cleaning company.

Ding Ding

No, it’s not a bell, it’s the sound of homeowners’ windows being pitted by the elements. Acid rain, hard minerals from sprinklers and oxidation invisibly assault windows. A good hearty scrubbing by professionals will save homeowners’ windows and add to their life. Additionally, the chemicals used by professionals protect glass from further insinuation by the elements.

Making Their Mark

Tiny handprints, nose smudges from a madly-tail-wagging dog and handprints from the running kid who didn’t slow down in time all take their toll on French doors and sliding glass doors. Some, like the tiny handprints and the nose smudges don’t bother homeowners, because there’s almost no way to reproduce these things for posterity in the family picture album. Sorry, guys, they’ll have to go. Homeowners expecting mothers-in-law for Sunday dinner, business associates for casual drinks and conversation or mothers of the kids’ friends visiting while the kids have a birthday party can’t let such a terrible thing be seen. While the dog is sniffing hopefully at the guests’ dinner plates, homeowners can be proud that her nose prints are no longer marking a path through the glass doors in the house.

We understand that no one has time to deep clean the windows. We get that everyone scatters when the subject is raised.

We’ve been clearing up people’s views for almost thirty years now, and we will be happy to clear up yours when you Contact Us.

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