How to Stop Hot Water Heater after a Leak in Baltimore & Columbia, MD

If your water heater is leaking, you might want to get it fixed as soon as possible. Water heater leaks for numerous reasons and it can be fixed if it is not more than 10 to 12 years old. The location of the leak will determine how serious the issue is.

At Hydro-Clean, we have provided successful restoration services in Baltimore, Columbia, Ellicott, Annapolis, and other Maryland cities for many years.
Our team of professionals is trained and certified by the IICRC. We will go to the bottom of the issue and restore the heater with precision. Our representatives are available 24/7 for emergency services, reach out to us at 410-505-7879 for any emergencies.

Reasons for a Leaky Water Heater in Ellicott, Baltimore & Towson, Maryland

  • Loose Pipes: A heater often has two pipes- a cold and a hot water supply pipe. If any of these lines loosen, water will start spraying from these fittings.
  • Gaskets: Gasket is a water heating element. When pools of water form under the tank, it indicates a worn out gasket. For which you might need professional help to replace or repair the gasket.
  • Rusty Tank: Overtime mineral gets deposited inside the tanks which result in water drips and often the solution for this is a replacement.
  • Plumbing Issues: If the installation of the heater was not done correctly, it might cause water drips. Also, if the heater has been used for many years, the plumbing from all those years can cause damages too.

Our certified technicians have been restoring water heaters for years. After careful inspection, they will detect the cause of the leak and repair every part of the heater making sure you have no complaints.

Maryland Home Appliances Leak

Hydro-Clean Stops Home Appliance Leaks

Whatever the reason for the leakage is, you need to get it repaired soon. A dripping heater can not only damage the interiors of your home, it can be quite risky as electronic lines are involved with it.
Before you inspect the root of the leak, make sure you turn off the power supply of the heater to be safe, and if the problem seems a bit too troublesome turn off the water supply too before seeking help from professionals.

Let Hydro-Clean Take Care of Your Leaky Water Heater in Columbia, Annapolis & Baltimore

When you have a leaky water heater in EllicottAnnapolisColumbiaor other cities within our Baltimore service area, it is important to act ASAP to minimize water damage and begin the restoration process. Call us at 410-505-7879 or contact us online when your water heater needs help!

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